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Загадочный дом - Фан клуб

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501887,3 написал(а):

You really have almost 8 hours to put your total - between 4 and 11:59 pm Moscow time. I don’t think, that it’s very tight window.
Why are you saying about 3 hours? 🤔

I can only enter my final count during those 3 hours. Sometimes even then I can’t. Before the new site, I could enter my final count anytime. That is convenient for me since I work Fridays and don’t always have my iPad.
If I enter the Marathon site at 4pm, I only get the icons going in a circle. I have to wait until the weekend guild quest has started. And then I have 2 or maybe 3 hours until the site closes.

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What is the number circled in red?
I think it may be a mistake— I put the wrong reputation one time.
My real reputation is currently 259922.
Thank you,


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506225,6328 написал(а):

What is the number circled in red?
I think it may be a mistake— I put the wrong reputation one time.
My real reputation is currently 259922.
Thank you,

No reply yet…..

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506532,6328 написал(а):

No reply yet…..

Hi! These are the best results for the entire existence of the marathon. We can't change the results manually, and the programmer is currently on a long vacation.


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